Our car park now has a sign advising patrons and those visiting the neighbouring park to not leave children inside their vehicle.  Kid SafeWA reports that every year approximately 5,000 Australian children are rescued from cars.   Three-quarters of those children are under four years old.   It’s a problem not only in the summer months.  Even on a cool day the temperature in a parked car can be over 30 degrees hotter than outside.

Kulungah Myah is committed to raising awareness of this problem, to supporting the KidSafeWA ‘Hot Cars’ campaign, and to reducing the likelihood of any incident in our community.  Our sign was purchased from KidsSafeWA and the pole was kindly supplied by the City of Melville. We also thank EMSO Maintenance for installing the sign free of charge.

Remember:  take your children with you, when you are out and about.  Never leave them inside a parked car.