KMCC held two fabulous workshops for children this winter, encouraging the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and creativity.

The first session focused on the beautiful Japanese paper-craft origami.  The origami fun session was run in partnership with our resident Nihongo Youchien a Japanese playgroup.  The event catered to families of CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) background.     Children and their parents enjoyed creating a range of animals and abstract pieces, learning various folds as they progressed.

A Paint-a-Pot session followed in August.   So many beautifully decorated pots were created by very enthusiastic young artists.  As we know, it takes a village, so a big thank you to our staff and volunteers, Lynn, Julia & Isobel for their support.   A big shout out to Bunnings O’Connor for their generous donations of pots and plants.

Both sessions included afternoon tea and an energy filled free play-session.  The photos really say it all!